понедељак, 26. септембар 2011.

Parovi / Couples

My poor abandoned blog-station is without updates for a looong time. I'll try to be better in the future.

I'm working on the erotic comic commission for Jurii now, play with Daniele on the subject of couples, and all that in the shadow of the preparations for couple of new author pages, that should somehow merge both - eroticism and regular everyday couple issues... And still waiting for reports of the Laura editions from the region... And, so... 

среда, 13. април 2011.

Room window

This piece was made as an attempt to rest a bit from daily obligations, but it turned out to a learning experience, and I've learned next: 1) people are so easy to impress; 2) realistic tracing makes me dull... but not to be so criticizing, I like the impression that a story can be told in a single panel, although I don't think I'll do something similar soon, it has deeply disturbed all my working criteria...

недеља, 20. март 2011.

Long Desert Train

Early spring, most depressive time of the year, Jason Molina's song heard over 100 times, and there it is...

Bitter Fruits 2

The second page... And I'm so stuck with it, since I didn't fix the script, like one should...

недеља, 6. март 2011.

Bitter Fruits

Here's a thing I've been doing lately. These are the crops from page one from something called Bitter Fruits of the Rotten Romance. It's kind of personal. And has animal metaphor. And it's pretty much girly. Almost everything I dislike, but people change, eventually.
Everyone can see that nothing good is going to happen to that unfortunate fox-lady, so I just may have to make some changes in the script as it goes.
The whole page is on  http://besnglist.deviantart.com/art/Bitter-Fruits-pg1-199940302,  because it's too large for a simple blog. And will be continued.

четвртак, 3. март 2011.

Comic Jam

Here' s the last thing I completed lately. Or started, to be more precise. A group on DA initiated a Comic jam session, so here's my first panel and next is Ian's contribution with the second panel. Hope to see more of it in a few days. It's pretty hard to continue someone else especially with so much difference in styles and general approach to comics. But it's also very amusing.
Isn't waiting fun. My tongue is tight into knot, eyes directed inside, something strange is rising from below... Who knows what lies under the surface... Most of my deviant friends liked it so I'll publish it.

This is also a part of the Ulysses project. These crops are from the page named Key. I use elements from the text and then associate... Shading was not such trouble as it may seem. It's fun.
As I've just managed some time to finally arrange my blog, so I'll post almost everything I've been doing lately.

These are crops  from the pages named Ulysses, that I've done for my friend Dragan Stojmenovic from the National library in my hometown, Bor. Will they ever be published is another question...

I like to crop images, it looks like there's more then it really is.
This page is considering the part of James Joyce Ulysses in which he reference to W. B. Yeats poem Who goes with Fegrus. Especially the last lines:

For Fergus rules the brazen cars,
And rules the shadows of the wood,
And the white breast of the dim sea
And all disheveld wandering stars.

Nice, isn't it...
Znam ja da niko nije prorok u svom selu. A sudeći po dosadašnjim iskustvima sa ljudima u svom "selu" (čast izuzecima) i ljudima iz globalnog sela, nije mi bilo teško da odlučim... So in the future the most of the text parts will be in English, because no one near me gives a damn anyway.